Travel Industry News

Come fly with ‘Dinner In The Sky’ in Bangkok on 20 December

Bangkok, 23 November, 2017 – Named by Forbes magazine as one of the world’s ten most unusual restaurants, Belgium-based restaurant ‘Dinner In The Sky’ is coming to Bangkok, from 20 December, this year, until the end of February, next year.

Seats are sold online at for 4,990 Baht on weekdays and 5,390 Baht on weekends, inclusive of the four-course meal by Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit. There will be two flight sessions per day: Sunset at 18:00 Hrs. and City Lights at 19:30 Hrs. The flight duration is 60 minutes.

Each session is available for 22 guests, who will be seating with specially equipped safety belts around a large dinner table with the entire Dinner In The Sky system suspended by a 200-tonne European telescopic boom crane.

Dinner in the Sky is designed according to German safety standard DIN 4112 regarding flying structures specifications, and has surpassed world-leading German TUV-accredited standards. With more than 10 years of operations in over 45 countries, Dinner in the Sky is a professionally handled production that has been tested and retested to guarantee absolute safety of diners at all times.

Dinner In The Sky at a Glance

  • A high quality ‘novelty’ restaurant service and dining experience
  • Uses a crane to hoist its diners, table and waiting staff 50 meters into the air with a 200-ton German telescopic boom provided by TSK Diamond
  • Guests are served a one-hour long, four-course dinner
  • Guests are required to fill in a release of liability form
  • Toilets are available on the ground
  • Lockers are available for guests to store their personal belongings
  • Guests are allowed to take mobile phones and cameras with them during the flight
  • The in-the-air suspended table was developed following the highest safety standards and is produced in Belgium
  • Hosting up to 22 guests as well as one chef and two waiters, guests enjoy high quality food and drinks, music and breathtaking views

Dinner In The Sky Thailand Press Conference

From left: Tommy Lee, Chief Operating Officer of DITS ASIA, Arvin Randahwa, Chief Executive Officer of DITS ASIA, Manatase Annawat, Deputy Managing Director of The Emporium Group, Friso Poldervaart, Representative, Dinner in the Sky Thailand, Johannes Bergstrom, Representative, Dinner in the Sky Thailand, Gaetano Palumbo, Executive Chef of Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit: DITS Official Food Partner, and Robert Wittebrood, Executive Assistant Manager of Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit: DITS Official Food Partner joined a group photo during the press conference to announce the Dinner In The Sky Thailand.

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