BERLIN – 5 March, 2015 Three individuals with close cultural ties to both Thailand and Germany were conferred “Thainess Awards” by Her Royal Highness Princess Ubol Ratana at the International Tourism Borse (ITB), the world’s largest travel show held in Berlin.
The award-winners are Mr. Patrick Kronenberger, a Thai-German singer and songwriter, Mr. Christoph Karrasch, a well-known travel blogger in Germany, and Ms. Walawal Albrecht, a long-time resident of Germany who is actively involved in many projects to promote Thai culture.
Tourism Authority of Thailand Governor Thawatchai Arunyik said, “This year’s Awards have been created to recognise individuals who have contributed to promoting a better understanding of ‘Thainess’, the core theme of our current marketing campaign, “2015 Discover Thainess”.
He added, “We are proud that this year’s winners include two Germans with a great fondness for Thailand, and one Thai who has worked actively to enhance an understanding of Thai arts, culture and heritage in Germany. We applaud them for their dedication and commitment.”
In a world of increasing globalisation, the Thainess campaign is intended to help Thailand distinguish itself by focussing on its unique competitive advantage – its rich culture, way of life and heritage. Thais are famous for their friendliness and hospitality, a factor that attracts millions of people to holiday in the country every year.
The three-member jury which selected this year’s award winners included:Mr. Charoenrat Chimsamran, Thailand’s Consul-General in Frankfurt; Ms. Supranee Pongpat, Director of the TAT Frankfurt Office, and Ms. Hanna Kleber, KPRN network GmbH, the TAT’s PR agency in Germany.
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