Travel Videos

Insight Thainess Episode 7: The Part of Phuket

TAT Newsroom Short Documentary
Insight Thainess Episode 7: The Part of Phuket
Theme: The Journey of Phuket
Duration 3 minutes
Location: Phuket Old Town


Phuket’s glorious history is hidden behind its arts and culture, and also the kindhearted warmth of the local people that are waiting to welcome visitors from all over the world. Traces of the old civilisation in the Malay Peninsular are still apparent until now through the architectural designs in Phuket Old Town, presenting the combination of Portuguese, Chinese, and Malay arts. From local houses of Chinese tin miners in early times to the golden age of international trade and commerce when Western art and culture were brought in by the European people, Western architectural styles from Neo-classical art, Renaissance art to Modern art, were combined with the local culture and lifestyle, and made Phuket the first “Pearl of the Andaman Sea”.

Through 150 years of pride, Phuket still maintains the beauty of cultural heritage and the soul of the ancestors in its way of living; not only in its architecture, but also its food. The art of Phuket cuisine is the combination of Thai, Chinese, Malay, and also sea folk cooking, which can best portray the root of Phuket’s culture. It’s not a surprise that Phuket is acknowledged by UNESCO as a member of the Creative Cities Network and the first City of Gastronomy in South East Asia.

The exquisite cuisine, warm hospitality, and simplicity of life, these charms of Phuket culture are still spreading to enchant and welcome all guests heartily, as always.

Insight Thainess Episode 7: The Part of Phuket short documentary is part of TAT Newsroom’s seven-part travel documentary series, titled ‘Insight Thainess’, to promote Thai values through the country’s unique way of life. To view the previous episodes, please log on to: TAT Newsroom’s Thai Travel VDOs.

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TAT Newsroom

The TAT International Public Relations Division works with traditional and online media channels to promote Thailand as a tourism destination for travellers worldwide.

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