Bangkok, 4 September 2023 – Bangkok has been selected as the venue for the 2nd Extraordinary Travel Festival (ETF), which is scheduled to take place from 15-17 November 2024.
The ETF 2024 in Bangkok will host more than 20 speakers, who will engage, inform, and inspire their fellow attendees through a combination of keynotes, breakout sessions, and panels, according to award-winning travel photographer, podcaster, blogger, and filmmaker Ric Gazarian, who is also the organiser and co-founder of the ETF.
Gazarian has created the Festival to bring together the world’s most avid, accomplished, and adventurous, ‘mega’ travellers during three days of experience sharing and learning. Speakers and attendees will share insights on strategies for visiting all 193 of the world’s sovereign countries – a feat accomplished by fewer than 300 known people living today. The Festival will also welcome explorers who have other ambitions and motivations for seeing more of the world.
“Imagine the world’s modern-day Marco Polos gathered in a single location,” said Gazarian, whose website ( features stories and images from his colourful travels to 170 countries. “The energy, enthusiasm, and vast knowledge exchanged about travel and country-collecting at the first event was like nothing I’ve seen before.”
Some of the outstanding speakers for the ETF in Bangkok will be Thor Pedersen, who recently finished his nearly 10-year journey to every country in the world without flying, Barry Hoffner who has built 17 schools in the fabled city of Timbuktu, and Renee Bruns who has travelled to over 130 countries in a wheelchair.
The largest mega-travel clubs will be represented at the event as well, including Every Passport Stamp (20,000 members), NomadMania (50,000 registrations), and Travel Massive (60,000 members).
Gazarian said, “Our intention with creating this event was to strengthen this incredible community of mega travellers by bringing us together in one place, while sharing strategies for advising and inspiring the travel fans who follow us. Many of us explore the world as solo travellers, but we are far from alone in wanting to spread the word about the eye-opening power of going further in our travels, farther, and more often.”
The second ETF in Bangkok is building on the tremendous success of the first event, where 100% of attendees responded that they would attend the next event and recommend that their friends join.
While 90% of guests or presenters originated from North America and Europe, the ETF attracted attendees from six continents. Ages ranged from 20 to 80 years old with a 60:40 split between men and women. In addition to the robust schedule of speakers, attendees will be entertained with lively parties and a gala dinner. Attendees will also have the option to explore Greater Bangkok and the region beyond.
For online reservation, visit Use code BANGKOK for promotional fee.
For more information, visit, or contact Ric Gazarian, Organiser & Co-Founder, Extraordinary Travel Festival LLC, by emailing to [email protected] , or call on +1 617 901 9248 (Whatsapp).